The Blog For All General Cult Stories.
Investing In The World Of Cult Collectibles
We discover the world of Cult Collectibles and try to decide if they’re worth the prices they fetch. It’s probably the dumbest thought experiment you’ll find on this website but you’ll want to see the products we’re considering.
Dropping In On The Moonies In The Time Of Covid
Lisa Mildred visits the Moonies in Tarrytown, New York in the middle of a pandemic. While it’s her dream to attend a mass wedding, the socially distanced version of the cult is what she has to work with on this excursion. As has been the case in the past the church is VERY welcoming.
Fear Of The Leftist Cult
In this article we explore cults on the left, which we weren’t pleased to find out were a thing. First we learn about a communist cult from the 80’s called The O before entertaining the idea that a group of vegans from California might just fit the description of a left wing political cult. It’s a journey into philosophy and coercive control that all activists should consider.
Amish Immersion
Lisa Mildred is a regular visitor of cults, and in this essay she’s documenting her experience with Amish on a farm in Lancaster County. This immersive, often hilarious story includes buggy rides, garment doctrines, rumspringa let down, and a dip into the philosophical- What kind of life is one living if listening to The Beatles is forbidden by God? This vehicle is anything but slow moving, so hold on to your (church mandated) hats.
Sects And The City
In the conclusion of an essay about Amish immersion, our guide serves as the tour guide for an elderly train enthusiast around New York City. This old Amish man proves to be a handful with a penchant for sharing the details of his sex life without prompt. It’s a revealing fish out of water.
TBI Recommended: The Right Way To Tell The Manson Story
The well of Chuck Manson stories has been dry for decades and is now a place for unnecessary revisions and ridiculous conspiracies. However, one modern document gets the story right by taking all the legitimate pieces and cramming them into a convoluted story about Hollywood that somehow does nothing to harm the narrative. It just might be the best version of the most infamous cult story ever told.
The Twelve Tribes
The Twelve Tribes seem like a peaceful group of hippies living off the grid to be closer to God, but there are all kinds of reasons to be sceptical of the community and their leader Elbert Spriggs.
When A Cult Is Not A Cult Part 1: Suzanne James Is A Bad Therapist
OP ED. The myth of the satanic cult is nothing more than a victim machine and Suzanne James’ real estate in this region of cultland is perhaps the dumbest.