We’re On TikTok

What a world.

The story of The Body is now being told on TikTok. The robots have won. The future is now.
A website about cults known to push the boundaries of independent longform has found itself producing bite sized morsels of our biggest story for “the kids.” It’s hard to tell if this will make us cool and relevant on social or if this moment will be remembered as when the magazine jumped the shark. Is sponsored content on the horizon? Impossible to say.

At the moment all of our content is being released on the editors account, which you can find here. We’ll update this article when there’s a permanent home in this new universe. So far the account is only covering the story of The Body but expect a more diverse selection from the cultiverse when we get our legs under us.

We’re kicking things off with a bite sized version of The Plot to Krill Mitch McConnell.
If you’re a long time reader, you’ll recognize this story from the early days. The latest longform version of it is here.

Below you’ll find the video from our first series that we think represents the story best.


A Visit With The Faith Healers


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