Profundity Yours
There’s an extremist right-wing church called Apologia in Arizona that’s led by a hip millennial preacher known to smear congregants with secret recordings and make new members sign contracts promising to be “faithful until death.” Strangely enough, the pastor is better known as one of the hosts of a popular podcast about cults (from a Christian perspective) called Cultish. The podcast has always been an outlier in the genre, but after a recent tirade about being discriminated against by people who “murder babies,” the anti-cult community turned their heads toward the host, ran a few Google searches, and the portrait of a cult leader creating a deceptive show as a recruitment tool with money from a hateful church all came into focus. Cultish is an exercise in bad faith grifting unlike anything we’ve seen before.

In the first traditional feature published about The Body, the history of the cult is viewed through the lens of a woman who sacrificed everything for the group and is now a criminal married to an old man in a foreign land with no reasonable exit from the situation she was coerced into. This story becomes even more hard to swallow knowing six kids were left behind in the process.

Something is off about the legal resolution when a young adventurer is killed in Alaska. It’s a story of murder, corruption, and a reporters behaving badly. There’s only one of these and this is the draft you get.
A recently released video from 2018 looks an awful lot like a hostage tape from The Body. It was published in a newspaper called US~Observer that wasn’t concerned about the content of the tape. A deeper look into the kind of news the paper traffics in suggests the enterprise is bullshit. What a world.
After a bizarre theological description of what constitutes a cult arrived on our doorstep via a dishonest church on a smear campaign, it seemed proper to respond with the words of legitimate cult expert Dr. Alexandra Stein and her excellent model. Come for the drama, stay for the cult education. Stein’s definition can be applied to every cult under the sun.
Featured Stories
The Cult Next Door
Mainstream network news magazine specials typically miss the boat when they cover cult stories, but that isn’t the case in 20/20’s new special commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Heaven’s Gate massacre. A plethora of legitimate experts and home videos add nuance to a story that’s typically told with the all the subtlety of a jackhammer in our first TBI Recommended piece of 2022. The special is mainstream enough to reach a wide audience and it actually makes an honest effort to explain what a cult means to members, so we’re here for it. Also explored- how do you make a documentary about a cult without using the “c” word?
Graeme Burglar makes his triumphant return in this highly explicit advice column and “listicle” designed for Gen Z. The language here is very offensive and it’s unclear how all the dick references are supposed to appeal to young people, but as much as we tried to distance ourselves from this thing at first, we had to admit it’s a legitimately hilarious piece that actually contains some good information if you squint. A few of the reasons the author lists to make his point: “Lectures Are Boring,” “No Booze at the Parties,” “Too Many Roommates.” It’s ridiculous, tasteless fun that skewers cults and clickbate evenly. What a weird magazine this is.
WFMU’s Music Of Mind Control Is The
Greatest Radio Show
In Cult History
Songs bring people closer together and this is especially true in the world of cults. From Jonestown to QAnon, there’s a well of musical records scattered in various recordings. If you’re curious about the stuff, there’s a weekly terrestrial radio show on New Jersey’s WFMU that collects these sonic artifacts for public consumption. Micah Moses’ Music of Mind Control is outsider radio gold that also functions as a serious anthropological study of the art made by sinister cults. In this interview, we spoke to the creator about what music qualifies for the show, the darkest songs in the collection, and how he explains the project to strangers, among other subjects. Included in the feature are selections from Micah’s catalogue to listen to while reading. It’s an instant hit!

The Land Of The Body:
An Alaskan Cult Story
The biggest cult story we’ve ever published is live on YouTube.
Years in the making and shot on location in Alaska, The Land of The Body is a short documentary that makes a statement by letting the subjects speak for themselves.

Sukyo Mahikari:
Inside And Out
Writer Verity Lopez tells the story of her six years inside the Japanese religious group Sukyo Mahikari. What begins with a miracle cure for the author’s frequent headaches quickly escalates to full indoctrination in a strange and powerful world full of rituals and healing to please God. As Verity advances through the ranks of Mahikari, the faith that was once a casual curiosity becomes an all consuming source of fear and anxieties that grow deeper as she examines everything she’s learned. In a place where God has the solution for all of life’s questions, it turns out the more you know the less you understand. Has something been lost in translation or is confusion central to Mahikari?
In this intoxicating feature about finding the truth in a sea of contradictions, there are no easy answers, and giving up is harder than it seems. It’s an uncommon story about a little known group from another part of the world, but the conclusions here are universal.
Hear The Voice Of A Cult Leader: The Body Tapes
It’s been a year since our last our last meaningful check up with the highly secretive cult that gave us life online. To make up for the absence, we’ll be exposing the gospel of The Body with a month-long data dump featuring all kinds of material that’s never seen the light of day. And we’re kicking things off with something huge. In this multimedia story, we’re releasing eight exclusive recordings of cult leader Marc B that prove how unique of a monster he can be. There are tapes that help explain how The Body turned into a sex cult, tapes of suicide encouragement, tapes that sound like murder plots. Marc Bisset is a bad man and he can talk.
We Found It On The Internet: Sonic Fights MLM’s
There are all kinds of anti-cult accounts on the internet, and we appreciate them all. However, the object of our obsession in 2022 is Sonic Fights MLM’s, which is exactly what it sounds like. The worlds of Multi-Level Marketing and the popular Sega Genesis rodent collide to form a cult-busting chimera we can’t get enough of on Instagram. In this article we explore the genre accounts like this exist in before having a conversation with the human being behind Sonic Fights MLM’s to find out what they’re all about and what exactly inspired such a delirious mash-up. If you think cults are bullshit and love the internet, this is the story for you. On the surface, it might be the most ridiculous subject we’ve ever covered, but this is an undeniable story about fighting for justice in an anonymous internet landscape, which is something we couldn’t identify with or support more. Insane as it may sound, this is a cult hero appropriate for the 21st century.

Video of Arrests In Washington
The bodycam footage has been released by the police in Okanogan County after two members of The Body were arrested and children were rescued.
Apostate is waking up ex-Mormons to the previously prohibited world of coffee beans. It’s one of a few anti-cult ventures that caught our eye this year, and has now become the go to breakfast supplement of editorial. In this interview with Melissa Anders, the company’s founder, we learn about the type of freedom that can be found in the grounds of a magical beverage.

Lisa Mildred continues her series of true stories detailing her pursuit of getting up close and personal with cults in a journey to the headquarters of Christian Science. In this world of healing by faith Mildred is pleased by a preacherless mass and excited to visit a sandwich shop operated by a completely different notorious cult, but bogus philosophies involving praying away disease in the midst of a global pandemic put a damper on her enthusiasm. It’s the most introspective piece Lisa has written for the magazine yet as well as a reprieve from the deluge of stories about The Body that have dominated our headlines in recent months.

Update: Arrests Made, Children Rescued in Story About The Body
Update: Arrests Made, Children Rescued in Story About The Body 〰️
Huge update out of Tonasket, Washington. Two members of The Body were arrested and two children were rescued. We’re working as fast as we can to get a story out. Here’s the update from our end.

The future is now. As we prepare to release the next batch of longform stories we’re embarking on a totally new kind of journey into the land of microcontent. Join us as we plunge into an environment that no one here is young enough to understand. It’ll be fun! Say no to cults, kids.
ELOAH: The Body Explains Itself In Scripture
Every once in a while a cult leader suffering from narcissism of the highest degree writes their own scripture to perpetuate the myth they’ve created of themselves. This happens with creative individuals who’d like to convince the people who follow them that their own words are those of God. Such is the case with the man who runs The Body, and we’ve got an exclusive sneak preview of his text before it hits the next edition of the Christian Bible. There’s so much ridiculous, self-aggrandizing scripture to pour over that a religious studies major is needed to make sense of the collection. Before an expert can translate this garbage, a blog post that contains a few slices from the mind of an active cult leader is being released that hints at the greater collection. The internal writings are a little scary, but there’s high comedy in an email we’re publishing where leadership tries to explain the group to an outsider with biblical word salad that goes on and on while saying nothing at all.
The Psychedelic Journey Of The Source Family
The Source Family was a cult built in the 1960’s with resources from a guru who ran a popular vegetarian restaurant in Los Angeles. What makes the group especially noteworthy is that they went on to spread their gospel through heady psychedelic rock music unlike anything that came before it. Writer Jamo Lorswal explores the life and times of the group’s leader, “Father Yod,” on a journey of influence that runs through a few cramped compounds before the jamming starts. It’s a story of a cult buried in the counter culture that became an unlikely musical inspiration after the group disappeared. This is a wild trip with a hell of a soundtrack. Note: The Source Family were definitely a destructive, abusive cult that made people’s lives miserable when they weren’t rocking, but the group became harmless after a Darwinian sports disaster took out the head of the church. We think the art can be enjoyed these days without encouraging any of the madness.
Digital Traces
Of A Hidden Cult
Sometimes a cult goes so far underground it’s almost impossible to keep track of the story from outside the bunker. Keeping tabs on an organization like this can be quite frustrating, especially when there’s a history of abuse that conveniently happens to end when the data stops coming in. This is has been a hurdle from the jump when it comes to the cult this website was originally designed to expose. There’s just very little to come by online about The Body that tells the story discovered in our internal reporting. For those who doubt the validity of survivors, the absence of obvious search results on Google can be enough to end any discussion about the mysterious group. However, there are records out there if you know what you’re searching for. In this second chapter of a series exploring what The Body left in its wake, we’re taking a look at some of the most interesting things we’ve found searching for this elusive organization on the internet. The article includes what’s believed to be the most revealing piece of information published to date about the brass behind the bullshit.

Ted Patrick And The Kidnapping Of Susan Jungclaus
In May of 1976, Susan Jungclaus was abducted from her college campus in Moorhead, Minnesota and taken to a city hundreds of miles away against her will. After seventeen days the young woman found her way out of captivity and told the authorities about the crimes committed against her. At first it seemed like a clear cut case of false imprisonment but matters were complicated by the fact that Susan was in a notorious cult called The Way International and the perception of cults in America was at an all time low. The matter wouldn’t be settled until years later when it reached the Supreme Court. To understand why things shook out the way they did, it’s critical to also take a look at cult-busting outlaw Ted Patrick, who happened to be the most prolific kidnapper in American history. The unlikely story of Patrick’s rise from poverty to prominence in the strangest industry of the 20th century is as unforgettable as it is controversial. It’s a cult story that changed the United States.
Dark Paradise: The Descent Of Cult Consciousness Upon Kauai
Writer Amethyst Rhodes tells her story about leaving New York City for a long vacation to the Hawaiian Island of Kauai where she finds herself in the middle of a bizarre environment that appears to be ruled by the wealthy tech tycoon next door. From the jump, it seems this ‘tech bro’ has gotten inside the mind of her host and as Amethyst spends more time observing the compound, the red flags start to fly. Why are the workers living in squaller in the middle of paradise? What’s up with the clandestine meetings hosted at the mansion? It looks like a cult, and when Amethyst confronts the leader he does little to convince her otherwise. Our guide then discovers this is no isolated occurrence on the island. It seems Kauai is something of a destination for cults with a modern history riddled with destructive groups. Take the trip and find out why.
Yoga Cults: Pervasive, Pernicious And Perpetual
Is there a cult problem in America’s yoga studios? Strange as it sounds, yoga cults have been an undue influence phenomenon since the practice entered the mainstream in the 1960’s and a few of the wellness regiment’s many notable practitioners and gurus have blood on their mats. Journalist Stewart Lawrence has been on the yoga cult beat for years, and in his first piece for The Body International he takes us on a journey from the origins of an exercise with some bad actors to its contemporary villains. As there have been few signs of the industry making an effort to rid itself of abusers, Lawrence also offers a glimpse into the future of our countries most problematic yogis. It’s a story about gurus behaving badly with so many incidents of malpractice, it might make you rethink yoga’s status as a healthy wellness practice that’s safe for everyone. In the end, there are survivors and heroes in this story issuing a warning too. You might just want to look over your shoulder the next time you’re in the downward dog.
Fear Of the Leftist Cult
At The Body International, we consider ourselves on the progressive end of online cult magazines, so it hurt a little when we learned about lefty coercive groups. Unfortunately, they are a very real thing, and we now realise there are no safe spaces.
In this article we hear about a communist cult from the 80’s called The O before our gaze shifts to a contemporary vegan group called Direct Action Everywhere who have been labeled a cult by defectors. We spoke with one of the women causing DxE trouble and peaked into some areas the vegans might have missed for signs of cultiness. It’s a wild ride through dubious activism that just might make you reconsider everything you’ve ever thought about destructive vegan cults.
Dropping In On The Moonies In The Time Of Covid
How the hell are cults doing in the midst of a global pandemic? Internet cults seem to be exploding in popularity, but what about the cults that depend on person to person contact? The Jehovah's Witnesses have got to be itching to knock on doors again, right? And what about the Moonies mass weddings?
Our intrepid reporter Lisa Mildred sets off to answer that last question and find out what the late Reverend Moon’s followers are doing to stay busy in the third installment of her series of essays about getting up close and personal with cults. It’s a masked up weekend getaway with The Unification Church and they’re VERY excited for Lisa to visit.
Investing In The World Of Cult Collectibles
The world of cults and capitalism collide with the discovery of a website called Cult Collectibles which is exactly what it sounds like. In this hard hitting listicle we explore 11 products from cassette tapes of cult masses to a court document signed by Charles Manson. We included items ranging from the affordable to a pair of Nike’s that cost $2,000. Each item is then analyzed for value so that potential buyers can understand the soundness of investing in these sorts of objects.
Left Alive And Unchanged: The Heaven’s Gate Website
It’s been two and half decades since Heaven’s Gate ended with the deaths of 39 of its devotees in a mansion on the outskirts of San Diego. The members are all gone, but the cult’s website is still alive on the internet after all this time, kept preserved in the exact state it was in before the tragedy. Domains aren’t sold in quarter century increments, so who the hell is maintaining the URL? In this article writer Maddie F gets to the bottom of the mystery. Heavensgate.com isn’t the only thing worth examining when it comes to the death cult’s relationship with the internet either. After some investigating it’s clear that the entire organization was propped up by money earned through the web 1.0. This is a story about the website of a cult, written for a website about cults. Learn something new about a subject people will never forget about.
Ervil LeBaron’s LDS Trail Of Death
Ezekiel Gacee and Graeme Burglar tell the story of Ervil LeBaron, a Mormon preacher who orchestrated the executions of as many as 30 individuals he considered enemies, including a few of his 50 children. The killing spree was carried out by members of LeBaron’s Church of the Lamb of God under the pretense of by-gone LDS theology know as ‘blood atonement’ which Brigham Young conceived in the 19th century. God apparently told Young that for those who strayed too far from a righteous path the only way to earn salvation was through the sacrifice of blood.
Ervil LeBaron’s case is so extreme that it’s hard to find many equivalents for his destruction in the world of cults or even organized crime generally. Why did it happen? The question at the center of this story is one of toxic dogma and the legacy of fanatical polygamists in the LDS church. ‘The Mormon Manson’ was a rare breed of killer destined from birth to become a powerful figure in an isolated sect of the LDS that was already a cult when he entered the picture.

The Plot To Krill Mitch McConnell
Attempting to bring down cult leaders is an ambitious endeavor. It’s not for the faint of heart, or as this video clearly indicates, the sound of mind. In this video feature we get a look behind the curtain of TBI as the idiot responsible for this bullshit attempts a shortsighted plot to krill. An attempt is made to get audio files of crimes committed by the leader of a cult into the hands of law enforcement. The plan- calling the FBI and… reporting myself for an imaginary crime centered on assassinating a famous politician. It’s complicated. It’s dumb. I really hope my grandparents never hear about this.
(Just so no one gets the wrong idea, The Body International does not endorse assassination and we feel terrible about any distress this stunt may have caused Mr. McConnell. To prove how sorry we are, we will be donating any revenue generated from this video to the gay youth charity of the Senator’s choosing.)

It’s important to know if a group you’ve got a bad feeling about is or is not a cult. In this long overdue article we take a look at three models built by experts in the field and analyze what they’re most useful for. This should not only help in determining the status of a coercive organization, it could help you see the red flags if you encounter one yourself.
Inside The Rod Of Iron Ministries
Lisa Mildred visits a gun loving sect of the Moonies in the fourth installment in her series of first hand accounts of interacting with active cults. In this edition, our author goes to temple with a right-wing religious organization that’s crazy about the second amendment and pretty relaxed about the global pandemic. It’s a fantastic story about a cult that’s wormed its way into popular discussion over the year, but this exclusive is less about the threat of danger that arises from militant Moonies than it is about the gift shop. Our intrepid reporter puts herself at risk to purchase the crown in this incredible tale of lust for the ultimate cult souvenir.
An Interview With Cult News 101
We discovered Cult News 101 while scouring Instagram for the most interesting cult accounts on the web and became fascinated with whoever was pulling the strings. The account, which is also active on other social media platforms, is something of a cult news aggregator that pulls stories about different groups from across the globe and presents the most vital information in the original articles alongside handsome black and white images of their subjects. The amount of stories in the archive is staggering and a hell of a commitment for founder Patrick Ryan, who primarily works as an exit councilor.
In this interview we find out Ryan has been up to these tasks since the early days of the internet and get some advice about reaching people on the inside, but the primary focus is the man’s own cult story which paved the way for a career fighting the good fight.
It’s rare that a cult story is good news, but such is the case with #IGotOut, a movement seeking to become the #MeToo of Cultland with a campaign designed to share the stories of survivors. In this interview, we talk with the women who started the hashtag and became hero’s in a field that desperately needs an organization like theirs. This conversation is about how the hashtag came to be, where it’s headed and why it’s important to share these kinds of stories.

Denomination: A Sample of Baptist Cults
Jade Justice returns and she’s sick and tired of the routine offers for salvation she’s receiving from church goers in her community. This annoyance causes our reporter to examine the source of her frustration; divisions of the Baptist church. What she digs up are separate sects of the denomination that check all the boxes for destructive cults, reinforcing her desire to be left alone. Is the institution itself a breeding ground of undue influence or are bad actors taking advantage of “company” policy?
TBI Recommended: A Transcendental Meditation Survivor STory
Relax, take a deep breath, and clear your mind for an interview that will blow you off your yoga mat. We’re big fans of Rachel Bernstein’s podcast Indoctrination, so we’re highlighting a favorite episode from the series for you to listen to. There are many stories featured on the pod that we feel strongly about, but this interview featuring a former Transcendental Meditation follower recounting his experience with the new age group is the episode that we found most enlightening. It’s like a TV show for your ears!
Interview With A Cult Leader: R. Kelly
A long time ago the editor of this website was a culture scribe for an alt weekly and there he just so happened to interview renowned cult leader R. Kelly, who used to have a career in music. As luck would have it we found this previously unheard conversation on an old hard drive and it seemed prudent to do something educational with it. Here you’ll find our exclusive chat with the dirtbag sandwiched between scenes from an interview that took place after he was found out and a couple of cult experts describing the kind of cultic abuse Kel’s is accused of. We do not waste our resources.
Reverse Rumspringa: Amish Immersion Part 1
You’ll want to zip up your zipper for this! In part one of a double feature on the Amish, Lisa Mildred takes a trip to Lancaster County in one of her many fascinating (and verifiable) excursions to the edge of Cultland. This immersive, often hilarious story includes buggy rides, garment doctrines, rumspringa let down, and a dip into the philosophical- What kind of life is one living if listening to The Beatles is forbidden by God? This vehicle is anything but slow moving, so hold on to your (church mandated) hats.
Also included in this story is an elective conversation with the author about why the Amish are at home on a website that’s all about destructive cults. Listen to it before diving into the story or breeze on by the media player; the Bishop is not going to make that decision for you.
Sects & The City:
Amish Immersion Part 2
Caution: You might fall neckbeard first off your handsome wooden furniture when you hear what our friend Eli has to say when he gets a taste of freedom in the stunning conclusion of one writer’s strange dalliance with the Amish. In a word: Yikes! In two words: Double Yikes! This fish out of water story goes sideways quickly when the role of cultural tourist is reversed, as this time around our reporter welcomes to New York City a geriatric man who doesn’t understand how the world works. It’s a tale of endurance and, uh, the triumph of the human spirit...
Alright, this is hard to sugar coat. There’s more vivid details about the sex life of an elderly Amish man in this thing than you could fit in grain silo, and it’s between 7,000 and 8,000 times more awkward than it sounds, but this TMI bonanza is impossible to put down from the first unprompted overshare. If you can find a route to the end of this story with your wholesome ideas about the Amish intact, well, you might just be a tiny old Amish man on a farm somewhere in Lancaster County. Put down the computer, Eli! It’s a sin against God!
TBI Recommended:
The Right Way To Tell The Manson Story
There’s a No New Manson Stories policy in TBI’s fine print a reason. The half century old corpse of the most notorious cult story ever told has been picked over so many times there’s simply no way to have a fresh perspective without adding a tree to a dense forest of half-baked sensationalism that’s inevitable in a horse this dead or simply running headlong into Conspiracyland. That said, we’re opening our Recommended series with a gem of a convoluted Manson story that, convictions be damned, we can’t recommend enough.
You Must Remember This takes on the White Whale and succeeds in spite of its spin by starting with a bibliography and cramming each piece into an admittedly squishy but vital narrative. We’re hosting all 12 parts of what just might be the definitive version of a story that shattered the world’s perception of what a cult could be.

What Goes On Inside The Twelve Tribes?
In Jade Justice’s debut for The Body International we learn about a group of hippies who live off the grid and self sustain through co-ops like their Yellow Deli restaurants. The collective’s image of peace and love starts to fall apart however, when the the rest of the doctrine formed by leader Elbert Spriggs rises into the frame.
The group’s antiquated social views and family values will raise some eyebrows, but in a world filled with bad ideas, these are on the tame end of the spectrum. It’s all the kids working in factories and questions about bodies buried on the community properties that have us questioning what kind of an operation Spriggs has created. (Hint: It’s right by culture in the dictionary.)
When A Cult Is Not A Cult Part 1: Suzanne James Was A Bad Therapist
This is the first installment of a three part series about the very real chaos non-existent cults have caused over the years. In part 1, we explore the world of satanic cults (which aren’t real) before arriving at a story of therapeutic malpractice in Minnesota so egregious it’ll forever change the way you think about idiots.
What was going on in the office of Suzanne James while she was treating patients with personality disorders is one of the the strangest true stories about a fake cult we’ve ever heard. The big, unanswerable brainteaser here is whether James had malicious intent or if she was legitimately insane. Hard to say. Also of note: her story has never officially been disproven. Maybe the High One was a real dude seeking out a queen on her 50th birthday and maybe his lasers were as deadly as James claimed they were.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The story of the Whipping Cult is a tale of collective madness from the 1950s that’s so bananas we felt it deserved to be excavated from the archives and given a contemporary review. These whip crazy bastards were remarkable for a few reasons, starting with lady cult leader Marie Doyle who really outdid herself in proving a woman could be every bit as destructive as the gentlemen who typically run the show in Cultland. The whole whipping thing was pretty novel too.
It was an unfathomable double homicide that brought them national press 70 years ago, but what really makes this story special is the mind blowing car wreck that occured as the cult receded from the headlines.

The Intersection Of Conspiracy Theories And Cultland: A Conversation About QAnon With Nathan Allebach
In this extraordinarily comprehensive interview, we sit down with conspiracy theory expert Nathan Allebach to learn where the universes of bullshit and cults overlap. It’s more likely than not that you’ve known someone trapped in one of the scenarios described if you spend much time on social media. The role the internet has played in the proliferation of bad ideas is explored here with the kind of depth other irreverent internet magazines about cults are simply too afraid to publish. We’re looking at you, competitors!
Are you the kind of person who thinks they’re immune to conspiracy thinking or becoming the victim of a cult? According to Allebach, you might want to think again.
What The Hell Happened To Carrie C?
Here at The Body International, we’re really fucking interested in an active international cult called The Body. It’s pretty important to the brain trust that they’re represented as much as possible so there’s something on the web to keep them from spreading. In this article and the short video that accompanies it, we offer readers one of the most salient reasons why we’re crazy about cutting the head off before things get any worse.
Included in this story is the voice of an active member of the cult recounting her version of the tragic story of Carrie C, who hasn’t seen her baby since childbirth and may or may not be in exile in Pennsylvania. The only thing that isn’t a mystery in our search for Carrie is that something is deeply wrong with this picture.
Why couldn’t it be Marc B who disappeared? That guy sucks.
An Interview With QAnon Karen
Mother of God. We found the Michael Jordan of opportunists and she’s not afraid to talk to the press. The one and only QAnon Karen should have thought about Googling the journalist she’d be talking to for this kind of “exposure.”
Here’s a bad example of a person, and it’s overdue that someone inside the machine tells her real story, which is what you’ll find in this crazy video. Kick back, enter full screen, and watch an amateur on YouTube dunk on the internet’s favorite QAnon celebrity. Why we spent so much time on this thing is a good question, but there are only fond memories looking back at this JV production full of quotes that are as unbelievable now as they were in 2020.

Our featured artist this spring is Melbourne, Australia’s Loserhands who we convinced to illustrate the important Aussie’s in the history of a cult called The Body.

More From The Body International
Welcome To The Funhouse!
We’re not like those tired old cult dismantling websites your Grandma visits.
Check out the Funhouse where we show off our dance moves and sing to our favorite songs intermittently spliced with the insane ramblings of an active cult leader we despise. Word to the seriously cool- this section is open to submissions.
This is a website that’s designed to be educational and we consider getting the word out on cults a brand of activism, but don’t let that fool you into thinking we aren’t also craven, attention seeking millennials who prominently display our participation trophies with unearned gusto. Whenever anyone wants to talk to us from the outside, you’ll find it here.
Why Are Cults A Bad Thing In Every Instance?
Every once in a while we get to field a dumb question like, “Is there such thing as a good or benign cult?” Wut? That’s about as silly of a concept as a good or benign serial killer, but everyone here has smoked weed before and we’re not going to judge you for the terrible question.
Fact: 100% of cults brainwash the people inside them. That’s pretty hard to overcome.
For a quick explainer of why brainwashing is so abusive we turned to one of the most prominent cult experts on planet earth. Dr. Alexandra Stein is goddamn professional with PhD in social psychology… who happened to be in a communist cult for over a decade. She knows what she’s talking about. Here she explains what it is that cults do to people who have the misfortune of crossing their paths.

The Body Is A Cult.
This was the first piece of media posted on this website. The idea was to see how much information could be into 10 minutes as the program the video was designed in couldn’t produce anything longer. Chase your coffee with amphetamines and see if you can keep up with the bullet train.